Teaching Quality Standard
1. Fostering Effective Relationships

I am a true believer that relationships are essential and foundational for all teaching and learning experiences. In my journey in the field of teaching and learning, I have made a conscious and continuous effort to establish positive, caring and productive relationships with all students. This can be seen as evident in my narrative assessment above, which was given by my partner teacher in Field Experience III. Being an educator, I strive to uphold a high level of integrity and fairness in all interactions. I ensure to take the time to get to know my students’ parents/guardians in order to engage them in creating strong family-school partnerships to support student learning. Collaboration with all stakeholders, including community service professionals, students, peers and families, allows for a holistic and integrated approach to teaching and learning. Maintaining respect for all, creating opportunities for representation, honouring cultural diversity and engaging in culturally-responsive pedagogy are all of great importance to me and present themselves in all facets of my practice.
2. Engaging in Career-Long Learning

I pride myself on being a reflective practitioner and career-long professional learner. I have taken it upon myself to continuously seek knowledge to better my understanding and practise through professional development opportunities, as showcased in the above certificates of professional development. It is through these opportunities that I am able to seek, critically review and apply educational research to inform and enrich my practices and the greater learning environment. Such processes have contributed to my awareness of emerging technologies, student identities and best practices. I continuously reflect on my practice and seek out the expertise and feedback from my peers, instructors and in-service teachers in order to enhance my teaching. I have been an active member of my grade team and professional learning community in my field experiences, building upon my personal and collective professional capacities and expertise. I will continue to strive to support my students by creating inclusive, welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environments that are needs and identity responsive.
3. Demonstrating a Professional Body of Knowledge
Throughout my experience in the Bachelor of Education program and my time in the field, I have applied a current and comprehensive repertoire of effective planning, instruction, and assessment practices to meet the learning needs of every student. I have developed the ability to align my short, medium and long-range planning with the required learning outcomes outlined in programs of study. I incorporate a range of instructional strategies for material and knowledge engagement, representation and expression through a plethora of modes, including digital technology. By engaging in meaningful learning activities, students develop a capacity to acquire, apply, and create new knowledge. I strive to create as many opportunities for students to engage in collaboration, critical thinking and real-world issues as possible, using information acquired through diverse sources and modes. I am passionate about working alongside students to provide the support necessary to mitigate the barriers they face in their learning. I ensure to use balanced, reflective and accurate assessment and provide feedback that is constructive and timely. I believe the above unit plans exhibit the aforementioned areas that contribute to my professional body of knowledge.
4. Establishing Inclusive Learning Environments

In my experiences in the field of teaching and learning, I have recognized the importance of the teacher's role in establishing, promoting and sustaining an inclusive learning environment where diversity is embraced, and every student is welcomed, cared for, respected and feels safe. I do so by creating as many opportunities as possible for students to draw upon and share their funds of knowledge and unique identities—fostering a classroom culture of respect and value for diverse individuals. The lesson plan featured above is an example of this work. I engage in this work and equip myself with strategies that promote positive, engaging learning environments and practices that are responsive to students' emotional and mental health needs. I believe that every student can learn and be successful when given an equitable chance and necessary support. I continuously remind my students that my role as an educator is to provide the support and education they rightfully deserve.
5. Applying Foundational Knowledge about First Nations, Métis and Inuit
Colonization has had a devastating impact on Indigenous peoples and excluded their histories, worldviews, perspectives and ways of knowing, doing and being. As an educator, I can engage in this decolonial work by incorporating Indigenous ways of knowing, being and doing into my practices and classroom culture. I can further support student achievement by engaging in collaborative, whole-school approaches to capacity building in First Nations, Métis and Inuit education. Using the programs of studies and supplemental resources, I can provide opportunities for all students to develop a stronger knowledge basis, respect and understanding of the histories, cultures, languages, contributions, perspectives, experiences and contemporary contexts of the FNMI communities. Both Indigenous and non-Indigenous students benefit as it allows all students to gain a richer understanding of the strength and diversity of First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples. This awareness of Indigenous knowledge and perspectives has the power to upend the very system that has historically discounted this rich knowledge and history. The website above is an online resource created by myself and other preservice teachers to assist educators in this process.
6. Adhering to Legal Frameworks and Policies
As a pre-service teacher, I have become aware of the associated legal frameworks, policies and requirements authorized under the School Act that are foundational to the Alberta Education System. As an individual in such a role, I recognize and uphold this through my professional practice and understand that I am bound by standards of conduct expected of a caring, knowledgeable and reasonable adult entrusted with students' custody, care, and education. This can be exemplified in the document above that I co-created alongside my peers pertaining to a liability case in an accident occurring on school property.