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Invited, Refereed Book Chapters (click title for open access)


  1. Takeuchi, M., Thraya, S., Langevin, N. (in press). “Can the Plants Talk?”: Linguistic Queering to Unveil the Hidden with Programming. In Proctor, Chris; Semel, Beth; Suárez, Enrique; Vogel, Sara. Learning Machines: Sociology of Language Perspectives on Digitally Mediated Learning. Contributions to the Sociology of Language.

  2. Kopparla, M., Takeuchi, M.A., Yuen, J., Thraya, S., & Chowdhury, A. (in press). Play, joy, and creativity in land-based STEM learning: Reconnecting with intergenerational knowledge for refugee learners. In J. Adams, & C. Siry (Eds.). Wondering sciences: Creativity, imagination and future thinking in sciences education. New York: Springer.

  3. Banerjee, P., Coakley, A., Narula, B., Saheb Javaher, N., Theodore, R., Thraya, S. (2020). Gender and resettlement of Yazidi refugee families in Calgary: A deep dive in the resettlement, health, carework and education processes. Metropolis Conference Ebook.


Refereed Conference Proceedings (click title for open access)


  1. Takeuchi, M., Thraya, S., Mambo, T. (2024) Learning to See Beyond Anthropocentric Views on Bodies through Transdisciplinary Soil-Centered Pedagogy. In The 18th International Conference of the Learning Sciences 2024 proceedings. Buffalo, USA: International Society of the Learning Sciences. This paper was awarded the ICLS Outstanding Short Paper Award.​​

  2. Thraya, S., Takeuchi, M.A., Kopparla, M., & Chowdhury, A. (2023). Co-Fostering Translanguaging Spaces Through Design for Embodied (Re)Connection. In The 17th International Conference of the Learning Sciences 2023 proceedings. Montreal, Canada: International Society of the Learning Sciences. This paper was nominated for the ICLS Outstanding Student Paper Award.

  3. Chowdhury, A., Takeuchi, M.A., Kopparla, M., & Thraya, S. (2023). Arts as Critical Transdisciplinary Pedagogy: Awakening Relationality Through the Anti-Oppressive Facilitation of Soil Painting on the Land. In The 17th International Conference of the Learning Sciences 2023 proceedings. Montreal, Canada: International Society of the Learning Sciences.

  4. Vadeboncoeur, J., Takeuchi, M., Rahm, J., Marin, A., Curnow, J., Chowdhury, A., Kopparla, M., Thraya, S., Czuy, K., El Halwany, S., Turner, K., Qureshi, N., Marlow, S., Edino, R., & Adams, J., (2023) Reimagining Learning Research in “Canada” as “Road Making”: Opportunities to Move Toward Equity Through Walking Methodologies. In The 17th International Conference of the Learning Sciences 2023 proceedings. Montreal, Canada: International Society of the Learning Sciences.

  5. Thraya, S., & Takeuchi, M.A. (2022). Translanguaging as a tool to (re)connect: Co-designing land-based learning environments with refugee children. In C. Chinn, E. Tan, C. Chan, & Y, Kali (Eds.), The 16th International Conference of the Learning Sciences


Non-Refereed Reports (click title for open access)


  1. Takeuchi, M.A., Chowdhury, A., Kopparla, M., Thraya, S., Yuen, J., Czuy, K., Mambo, T., Olson, R., Sobh, H., & Fakih, A. (2021). Soil camp: Learning with the land toward refugee integration, diversity and sustainability through community partnerships 2020–21. University of Calgary.

  2. Banerjee, Pallavi; Saheb Javaher, Negin; Thraya, Sophia; Karsha, Souzan; Short, Tanner. (2021). Resettling Yazidi Refugee Families in Calgary by Calgary Catholic Immigration Society (CCIS): A Home Assessment Qualitative Report 2020-21. University of Calgary. 


Refereed Conference Presentations


  1. Sanyal, M., Helvaci Ozacar, B., Thraya, S., Sengupta, P., Banerjee P. (2024, August). Dis/Orienting Computing Education Through Centring Carework of Newcomer Young Women Siblings of Color. Presented at STEM 2024, the 8th International STEM in Education Conference, Calgary, Canada.

  2. Thraya, S., Kopparla, M., Takeuchi, M.A. (2024, June). Care as Anti-Colonial Relationality: Translanguaging in a Land-Based STEM Program for Refugee Children and Youth. In J. Adams & S. El Halwany (Chairs), Speculative Science Education Toward Socioecological Care [Symposium].  Canadian Society for the Study of Education Conference (CSSE), Montreal, Canada.

  3. Takeuchi, M., Thraya, S., Mambo, T. (2024, June). Learning to See Beyond Anthropocentric Views on Bodies through Transdisciplinary Soil-Centered Pedagogy. Paper submitted for the International Society of the Learning Sciences Annual Meeting Buffalo, USA: International Society of the Learning Sciences.

  4. Takeuchi, M.A., & Thraya, S. (2024, April). Linguistic queering to unveil the hidden: Listening to the voice of plants through programming. Paper presented at American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia.

  5. Dadkhahfard, S., Kopparla, M., Takeuchi, M.A., Thraya, S. (2024, April). Collective Illustrating of Socioecological Care Toward Pluriversal Speculations. In T. Jen (Chair), Speculative Science Education Toward Socioecological Care [Structured Poster Presentation].  American Educational Research Association’s Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.

  6. Thraya, S., Takeuchi, M.A., Kopparla, M., & Chowdhury, A. (2023, June). Co-Fostering Translanguaging Spaces Through Design for Embodied (Re)Connection. Paper submitted for the International Society of the Learning Sciences Annual Meeting. Montreal, Canada: International Society of the Learning Sciences.

  7. Chowdhury, A., Takeuchi, M.A., Kopparla, M., & Thraya, S. (2023, June). Arts as Critical Transdisciplinary Pedagogy: Awakening Relationality Through the Anti-Oppressive Facilitation of Soil Painting on the Land. Paper submitted for the International Society of the Learning Sciences Annual Meeting. Montreal, Canada: International Society of the Learning Sciences.

  8. Vadeboncoeur, J., Takeuchi, M., Rahm, J., Marin, A., Curnow, J., Chowdhury, A., Kopparla, M., Thraya, S., Czuy, K., El Halwany, S., Turner, K., Qureshi, N., Marlow, S., Edino, R., & Adams, J., (2023, June) Reimagining Learning Research in “Canada” as “Road Making”: Opportunities to Move Toward Equity Through Walking Methodologies. Symposium submitted for the International Society of the Learning Sciences Annual Meeting. Montreal, Canada: International Society of the Learning Sciences.

  9. Kopparla, M., Thraya, S., Takeuchi, M.A., Haroon, A., Chowdhury, A., Panaguiton, R. (2023, April). Designing Anti-Colonial, Land-Based and Culturally Sustaining STEM Learning. In J. Adams (Chair), Re-engaging (with) Care in Equity-based STEM Research [Structured Poster Presentation].  American Educational Research Association’s Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA.

  10. Banerjee, P., Nasiri, P., Lognon, R., Bahliby, N., Graham, V., Hussein, R., Narvaez, F., Sengupta, P., Cutler, M., Dutta, S., Helvasi Özacar, B., Thraya, S., Borzoo, S., Khandelwal, C., Sanyal, M. (2023, March). Newcomer Youth and Anti-Racism Integration: A Community-Based Research Initiative [Workshop]. 25th Metropolis Canada Conference, Ottawa, Canada.

  11. Chowdhury, A., Edworthy, S., Takeuchi, M.A., & Thraya, S. (2023, February). Soil camp: Land-based pedagogy for equity, diversity, and anti-oppression. Session presented at the Calgary City Teachers’ Convention, Calgary.

  12. Muscat, L., Wang, X., Thraya, S., & Takeuchi, M. (2022, April). Linguistic queering to disrupt normative STEM disciplinary practices in a Kindergarten classroom. In B. Daniel & N. De Lucca (Chairs), Interaction as a Site for Ideological Negotiation and Transformation in Science Teachers’ Learning [Symposium]. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, USA.

  13. Thraya, S., & Takeuchi, M.A. (2022, June). Translanguaging as a tool to (re)connect: Co-designing land-based learning environments with refugee children. Paper presented at International Society of the Learning Sciences Annual Meeting. Hiroshima, Japan.

  14.  Thraya, S. (2022, August). Redefining the Silent Period from Silent to Silenced: A Translanguaging Stance. Presented at Language Policy and Planning 2022 Conference: The Multidisciplinary Approaches in Language Policy and Planning Conference. Montreal, Quebec.

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